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  • /gamesImg/monet/mlbbmqfeigit5tp2k1sdtt1xzdot2p8y.jpgImage to Word Match
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  • /gamesImg/monet/mlbbmqfeigit5tp2k1sdtt1xzdot2p8y.jpg

    Image to Word Match

    Welcome to our delightful word matching game! In this game, you simply need to match the pictures to the correct words. How To Play: Its as easy as pie! Just use your mouse to click on a picture, then drag and drop it over the correct word. If you get it right, youll see a message saying Well done! If you make a mistake, youll see an error message. We offer two exciting game modes: Easy: Play at your own pace without any stress. You can go back and forth in the game whenever you want, making it perfect for kids. Normal: Challenge yourself with three lives. Match the pictures correctly to the words, or face a game over! Pay close atte